
Aqua Fitness for Every body
Please send message for monthly schedule.
Aquafit is perfect for the individual or group looking to move or strengthen conscientiously. We offer
a little about Aquafit : Aquafit incorporates the familiar composition of warm up, cardio aerobics, muscle conditioning, and cool down using water resistance and music to get us toned and moving !! Water exercise exerts less impact on lower joints and is a great way to have fun and gain mobility and strength at the same time.
Benefits include healthy brains, increased mobility, calm minds, strength, maximizing health, better moods, and supporting the body’s natural abilities to heal. Aquafit is a great all around fun thing to do to maintain health, strengthen immunity, and feel energized.
Make it a part of your daily routine : Pair it with Ayurvedic diet & lifestyle support and / or bodywork and personalized exercise routines. Get into a monthly coaching program if you like. It’s very easy to get started and even easier to keep going. Start with and Ayurvedic consultation and get the support you need to stay on track.
Hope to see you in class soon
These classes are included with your stay when you come on private retreat
Follow up your session with an Ayurvedic Consultation or Massage Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Physical Therapy session
We even have chair yoga & massage therapy. It's great for surfers, athletes, people with physical or mental issues and anyone in between. Based on the 5,000 year old Wisdom of Ayurveda we design the classes to support your own unique constitution​
Come once, join us twice a week, or hire us for private or group retreats as we create a stable foundation for our minds to stand and build and maintain healthy body temples along the way.
Seniors & Beginners welcome
Our Classes offer:
Outstanding faculty of experienced, knowledgeable and certified yoga instructors.
Program immerses you in the teachings and practice without distraction.
All aspects of classical yoga are taught integrating asana, pranayama and meditation.
Programs are designed to include time to absorb and integrate the practices into your daily life in the interval between sessions.
If your class is part of a retreat you will certainly enjoy delicious, primarily organic meals based on Ayurvedic Healing & Balancing principles developed for your own unique constitution
Grateful Surf Yoga & Ayurveda is dedicated to passing on the teachings of classical ashtanga yoga.
Contact us for more info or to secure your spot and find out locations or make your own