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Writer's pictureChetana Karla Shakti

CELPIP Complete Practice

Updated: Jul 27

Here is a comprehensive list of sample questions for each task of the CELPIP Speaking Test to help you prepare thoroughly. This includes a variety of scenarios to cover different possible topics and situations you might encounter during the test.


The speaking test is around 15-20 minutes including the time to go over the instructions.

  1. Task 3: Describing a Scene

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 60 seconds

  • Description: Describe what is happening in an illustration.

  1. Task 4: Making Predictions

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 60 seconds

  • Description: Describe what you think will happen next in the same illustration.

  1. Task 5: Comparing and Persuading

  • Part 1: Selecting Preferred Option

  • Preparation Time: 60 seconds

  • Speaking Time: None (just selection)

  • Part 2: Persuading

  • Preparation Time: 60 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 60 seconds

  • Description: Choose and persuade someone to agree with your selected option.

  1. Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation

  • Preparation Time: 60 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 60 seconds

  • Description: Explain a decision to a friend or family member.

  1. Task 7: Expressing Opinions

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 90 seconds

  • Description: Explain why you agree or disagree with a statement.

  1. Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 60 seconds

  • Description: Describe an unusual item or situation to someone who cannot see it.

Task 1: Giving Advice

Giving Advice

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 90 seconds

  • Description: Help someone make a decision or prepare for something. Key Points to Include:

  • Identify the Problem: Clearly state the issue your friend is facing.

  • Offer Specific Advice: Provide clear and actionable advice.

  • Provide Reasons: Explain why your advice would be beneficial.

  • Empathy: Show understanding of your friend’s situation.

  1. Your friend wants to start a new exercise routine but doesn’t know where to begin. Give your friend advice.

  2. A colleague is considering switching careers and has asked for your opinion. What advice would you give?

  3. Your sibling is planning to move to a new city for work. Offer them advice on how to adjust to the new environment.

  4. A friend is having trouble balancing work and personal life. Give them some advice on managing their time better.

  5. Your neighbor wants to adopt a pet but is unsure if it's the right decision. What advice would you give?

Additional Sample Questions:

  1. Your friend wants to improve their English skills. What advice would you give?

  2. A coworker is feeling overwhelmed with their workload. What would you suggest they do to manage their stress?

  3. Your sibling is considering studying abroad. What advice would you give them?

  4. A friend is planning to start their own business but is unsure about the risks. What advice would you offer?

  5. Your neighbor wants to start a garden but has no experience. What tips would you give?

Task 2: Talking About a Personal Experience

  • Preparation Time: 30 seconds

  • Speaking Time: 60 seconds

  • Description: Tell a story about a past experience.

Key Points to Include:Additional Sample Questions:

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the experience.

  • Details: Describe who was involved, what happened, where, and when.

  • Emotions: Share your feelings during the experience.

  • Outcome: Explain the result or what you learned.

  • Conclusion: Summarize the significance of the experience.

  1. Describe a time when you successfully completed a challenging project. What was the project, and how did you handle it?

  2. Talk about a time when you had to make a significant sacrifice. What did you sacrifice, and why?

  3. Describe a time when you tried something new and unexpected. What was it, and how did it turn out?

  4. Talk about a time when you had to work as part of a team. What was your role, and what was the outcome?

  5. Describe a time when you visited a place that left a lasting impression on you. Why was it memorable?

Task 3: Describing a Scene





Key Points to Include:

  • Overall Description: Provide a general overview of the scene.

  • Details: Describe specific elements (people, objects, activities).

  • Emotions and Atmosphere: Convey the mood or atmosphere of the scene.

  • Spatial Relationships: Explain where things are located relative to each other.

Task 4: Making Predictions

  1. You see a picture of a family packing up their car for a trip. What do you think will happen next?

  2. You are shown a picture of a stormy sky and people running for cover. Predict what will happen in the next few minutes.

  3. Look at a picture of a person nervously waiting in a doctor's office. What do you think will happen next?

  4. You see a picture of children playing near a construction site. Predict what might happen and why.

  5. Look at a picture of a couple arguing in a restaurant. What do you think will happen next?

Key Points to Include:

  • Observation: Describe what you see in the picture.

  • Prediction: Make a logical guess about what might happen next.

  • Reasoning: Explain why you think that will happen.

Additional Sample Questions:

  1. You see a picture of a child holding a broken toy. What do you think will happen next?

  2. Look at a picture of a crowded bus with people trying to board. Predict what might happen.

  3. You see a picture of a family setting up a campsite. What do you think they will do next?

  4. Look at a picture of students taking an exam. Predict what might happen after the exam.

  5. You see a picture of a chef preparing food in a busy kitchen. What do you think will happen next?

Task 5: Comparing and Persuading

  1. Your friend is deciding between two job offers. Compare the benefits of both jobs and persuade them to choose one.

  2. Compare two vacation destinations: a tropical beach and a mountain resort. Persuade your friend to choose one for the next holiday.

  3. Compare the advantages of buying a car versus taking public transportation. Persuade a friend to choose the better option.

  4. Your family is deciding between renovating their current home and buying a new one. Compare both options and persuade them to choose one.

  5. Compare two smartphones based on features and cost. Persuade your friend to buy the one you think is better.

Key Points to Include:

  • Introduction: State the two options you are comparing.

  • Comparison: Highlight the differences and similarities.

  • Persuasion: Choose one option and provide reasons to support your choice.

  • Conclusion: Summarize your argument.

Additional Sample Questions:

  1. Compare two methods of transportation: driving a car versus riding a bicycle. Persuade your friend to choose one.

  2. Compare living in a big city versus a small town. Persuade your friend to move to one.

  3. Compare two online learning platforms. Persuade your friend to use one of them.

  4. Compare two types of exercise: yoga and running. Persuade your friend to try one.

  5. Compare two vacation activities: sightseeing tours versus relaxing on the beach. Persuade your friend to choose one.

Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation

  1. You’ve noticed a coworker has been stealing office supplies. How would you handle this situation?

  2. A friend has been gossiping about you behind your back. How would you address this issue with them?

  3. Your roommate is constantly playing loud music late at night, disrupting your sleep. How would you deal with this?

  4. You have to break the news to your team that a project deadline has been moved up. How would you handle this?

  5. Your neighbor’s dog is frequently barking late at night, disturbing your sleep. How would you approach your neighbor about this issue?

Key Points to Include:

  • Description: Clearly describe the difficult situation.

  • Options: Discuss the possible ways to handle the situation.

  • Decision: Explain your chosen course of action.

  • Reasoning: Provide reasons for your choice.

Additional Sample Questions:

  1. You have a disagreement with a close friend. How would you resolve it?

  2. Your project team members are not contributing equally. How would you address this issue?

  3. You receive incorrect change at a store. How would you handle this situation?

  4. Your neighbor's loud music is disturbing your sleep. What would you do?

  5. You’ve been offered a promotion, but it requires moving to a new city. How would you decide?

Task 7: Expressing Opinions

  1. Do you think students should be required to wear uniforms in school? Why or why not?

  2. In your opinion, should governments spend more money on space exploration or public healthcare? Explain your reasoning.

  3. At what age do you think young adults should start living independently? Provide reasons for your answer.

  4. Do you believe that social media has a positive or negative impact on society? Why?

  5. Should employers allow flexible working hours? Give your opinion and reasons.

Key Points to Include:

  • Introduction: State your opinion clearly.

  • Supporting Points: Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  • Conclusion: Summarize your opinion and reasons.

Additional Sample Questions:

  1. Do you think it is better to rent or buy a home? Why?

  2. Should schools incorporate more technology in the classroom? Explain your viewpoint.

  3. Do you believe that climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity? Why or why not?

  4. Should public transportation be free for everyone? Give reasons for your opinion.

  5. Do you think people should work from home permanently? Why or why not?

Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation

  1. Describe an unusual building you saw while traveling. What did it look like, and why was it unusual?

  2. You saw a very strange vehicle on the road that looked like a combination of a car and a boat. Describe it to a friend.

  3. You found an oddly shaped fruit at the market. Describe its appearance and how it differs from typical fruits.

  4. Describe a strange costume you saw at a festival. What made it stand out?

  5. You encountered a peculiar machine in a museum that no one seemed to understand. Describe what it looked like and how people reacted to it.

Key Points to Include:

  • Description: Describe the unusual situation in detail.

  • Context: Explain why it is unusual.

  • Reaction: Describe your or others’ reactions to the situation.

  • Conclusion: Summarize the overall impact of the situation.

Additional Sample Questions:

  1. Describe a time when you saw an unusual animal. What made it unusual?

  2. Describe an odd piece of artwork you saw in a gallery. Why was it unusual?

  3. Talk about a time you experienced strange weather. What happened?

  4. Describe a time when you received a surprising gift. What was it, and why was it surprising?

  5. Describe an unusual event you witnessed at a public place. What happened?

By thoroughly preparing with these detailed questions and key points, you can improve your ability to respond effectively and confidently during the CELPIP Speaking Test.


Time Allotted Tips

In the CELPIP Speaking Test, each task, typically allows you:

  • 30 seconds to prepare your response.

  • 60 seconds to record your response.

Key Points

Focus on Clarity and Coherence:

  • Ensure your story is easy to follow with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Use Descriptive Details:

  • Include specific details about who, what, where, when, and how to make your story vivid.

Express Emotions:

  • Describe your feelings and reactions to personalize your story.

Practice Fluency:

  • Speak naturally and avoid long pauses. Practice to improve your fluency and pace.

Check Your Grammar:

  • Use correct grammar and varied sentence structures.

Stay on Topic:

  • Make sure your response is relevant to the question and doesn’t go off on tangents.


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