Vocabulary List:
Cheerleader: A person who leads cheers and chants to support a team.
Team: A group of people playing or working together.
Practice: Time to learn and get better at something.
Uniform: Special clothes worn by a group, like cheerleaders or sports teams.
Dance: To move your body to music.
Coach: A person who helps the team get better.
Game: A sports event, like football or basketball.
Smile: A happy look on your face.
Laura the Cheerleader
Laura is a cheerleader. She loves to cheer for her team. Every day, Laura goes to practice. She wears her red and white uniform. It is very pretty!
At practice, Laura learns new dances. She jumps, spins, and claps her hands. Her coach helps her and the other cheerleaders.
Laura’s favorite part is dancing. She loves to move to the music. She smiles a lot when she dances.
One day, there is a big game. Laura and her team are ready. They cheer very loud. The crowd loves their cheers! Laura is very happy. She loves being a cheerleader!
Q: When did you start cheerleading?
A: I started when I was six years old.
Vocabulary List:
Explain: To tell someone about something so they can understand.
Moves: Actions like jumping or dancing.
Chants: Short songs or phrases cheerleaders say to support the team.
Support: To help or encourage someone or something.
Perform: To show your skills to others.
Excited: Very happy and eager about something.
Energy: The power or strength you have to do something.
Crowd: A large group of people watching a game or event.
Story: Laura Explains Cheerleading
After the big game, Laura’s friends ask her, "What is cheerleading? We don’t know much about it."
Laura smiles. "Cheerleading is so much fun!" she says. "We cheer for the team and help them do their best."
Her friends look curious. "But what do you do when you cheer?"
Laura thinks and then explains: "We do special moves like jumping and dancing. We also say chants. A chant is like a short song. We say things like, 'Go team!' to make the team feel strong."
"Do you need a lot of energy?" one friend asks.
"Yes!" Laura says. "We need lots of energy. We jump and dance a lot, and we need to be loud so the crowd can hear us."
Her friends smile. "It sounds exciting!"
"It is!" Laura says. "We also support the team. When the team feels tired, we help them feel excited again."
"Wow! That sounds amazing!" her friends say.
Laura is happy. Now her friends understand what cheerleading is all about.
Vocabulary List:
Love: To really like something a lot.
Confidence: Feeling sure of yourself.
Teamwork: Working together with others to do something.
Proud: Feeling happy about something you’ve done.
Friends: People you like and spend time with.
Challenge: Something that is hard to do but makes you better.
Fun: Something you enjoy doing.
Brave: To do something even if it’s hard or scary.
Story: Laura Shares Why She Loves Cheerleading
Laura’s friends are still curious. "Why do you love cheerleading so much?" they ask.
Laura smiles. "I love cheerleading because it gives me confidence," she says. "When I’m out there cheering, I feel strong and sure of myself. It makes me feel brave."
She looks at her friends and adds, "I also love the teamwork. We all work together to do the cheers. If one person makes a mistake, we help them, and we keep going. It feels great to be part of a team."
Her friends nod. "That sounds nice."
Laura continues, "Cheerleading is also a lot of fun! I get to jump, dance, and cheer with my friends. We laugh, we help each other, and we feel good when we do a great job. I feel really proud when we perform for the crowd."
"Is it ever hard?" one friend asks.
"Yes, it can be a challenge," Laura says. "Sometimes the moves are difficult, or I feel nervous before a big game. But when I do my best, it makes me feel even better! That's why I love it so much."
Her friends smile. Now they understand why cheerleading is so special to Laura.
