Here's a structured 50-minute review plan for all parts of the IELTS exam, along with one sample test for practice. This plan will help you review key concepts and test your skills.
IELTS 50-Minute Review Plan
Part 1: Listening (10 minutes)
Introduction to Listening Test (2 minutes)
Explain the format: 4 sections, 40 questions, 30 minutes.
Types of tasks: multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labeling, form/note/table/flow-chart/summary completion, sentence completion.
Listening Practice (8 minutes)
Play a sample audio recording
Answer 5 sample questions.
Discuss the answers and strategies for listening effectively.
Part 2: Reading (10 minutes)
Introduction to Reading Test (2 minutes)
Explain the format: 3 sections, 40 questions, 60 minutes.
Types of tasks: multiple choice, identifying information, identifying writer’s views/claims, matching information/headings/features/sentence endings, sentence completion, summary/note/table/flow-chart completion, diagram label completion, short-answer questions.
Reading Practice (8 minutes)
Provide a sample reading passage (200-250 words).
Answer sample questions.
Discuss the answers and reading strategies (skimming, scanning, detailed reading).
Part 3: Writing (10 minutes)
Introduction to Writing Test (2 minutes)
Explain the format: 2 tasks, 60 minutes.
Task 1: Describe visual information (graphs, charts, tables, maps).
Task 2: Essay writing (agree/disagree, discuss both views, advantages/disadvantages, cause/solution).
Writing Practice (8 minutes)
Provide a sample Task 1 prompt (describe a bar chart).
Write an introductory paragraph and one main body paragraph.
Discuss her writing, focusing on structure, clarity, and language use.
Part 4: Speaking (10 minutes)
Introduction to Speaking Test (2 minutes)
Explain the format: 3 parts, 11-14 minutes.
Part 1: Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes).
Part 2: Long turn (3-4 minutes, including 1 minute of preparation).
Part 3: Discussion (4-5 minutes).
Speaking Practice (8 minutes)
Conduct a mini-interview (Part 1): 2-3 questions.
Long turn (Part 2): Provide a prompt and give 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes to speak. Travel. Describe your favorite method of travel.
Discuss her responses and provide feedback on fluency, coherence, pronunciation, and grammar.
