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Grammar - Present Perfect and Past Perfect 

The Present Perfect and Past Perfect tenses both describe actions in relation to other events, but they differ in timing and context.

  • Present Perfect is used to talk about actions or experiences that happened at an unspecified time before now or to describe actions that continue into the present. It's a bridge between the past and present. For example: "I have lived here for five years" (the action started in the past and is still true now).

  • Past Perfect, on the other hand, is used to describe actions that were completed before another event in the past. It shows the sequence of past events. For example: "By the time the meeting started, I had finished my work" (one past action occurred before another).

In short, Present Perfect connects past actions to the present, while Past Perfect connects earlier actions to a later point in the past.

Here's an explanation of the Present Perfect and Past Perfect tenses, followed by practice exercises tailored for advanced intermediate ESL learners.

1. Present Perfect Tense


  • Form: Subject + have/has + past participle (V3)

  • Usage:

    • To describe actions or events that happened at an unspecified time before now.

    • To talk about experiences or changes that have relevance to the present.

    • To describe actions that started in the past and continue up to the present.


  • I have traveled to 15 countries.

  • She has lived in New York for five years.

  • They have already finished their homework.

Key Time Expressions:

  • Ever, never, already, yet, so far, up to now, just, recently, for, since.

2. Past Perfect Tense


  • Form: Subject + had + past participle (V3)

  • Usage:

    • To describe actions or events that were completed before another past event or time.

    • To show the sequence of events in the past.


  • By the time she arrived, the movie had started.

  • He had already eaten dinner when we invited him out.

  • They had lived in Brazil before they moved to Spain.

Key Time Expressions:

  • Before, after, by the time, when, already.

Practice Exercises

Part 1: Present Perfect

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the Present Perfect tense.

  1. I (never/visit) _______ China before.

  2. They (finish) _______ the project already.

  3. How many books (you/read) _______ so far this year?

  4. She (just/arrive) _______ at the airport.

  5. He (live) _______ in this house since 2010.

B. Rewrite the following sentences using the Present Perfect tense.

  1. I completed my homework. (already)

    Answer: I have already completed my homework.

  2. They started working on the report two hours ago.

    Answer: They have been working on the report for two hours.

Part 2: Past Perfect

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the Past Perfect tense.

  1. By the time the meeting started, I (finish) _______ the report.

  2. She (never/see) _______ a lion before she went to Africa.

  3. When we arrived at the party, they (already/eat) _______ dinner.

  4. He didn’t come with us because he (already/buy) _______ tickets for another event.

  5. They (leave) _______ the office before the manager arrived.

B. Combine the two sentences using the Past Perfect tense.

  1. I went to the store. They had closed it.

    Answer: By the time I went to the store, they had closed it.

  2. She missed the bus. It had already left.

    Answer: She missed the bus because it had already left.

Part 3: Mixed Practice

A. Choose the correct tense (Present Perfect or Past Perfect) for each sentence.

  1. I (see/have seen/had seen) that movie three times.

  2. Before I joined the company, I (have/had) worked for a startup.

  3. He (has been/had been) very tired lately.

  4. After they (have left/had left), we started cleaning up.

  5. We (have visited/had visited) Paris last year.

Answer Key

Part 1: Present Perfect


  1. have never visited

  2. have finished

  3. have you read

  4. has just arrived

  5. has lived


  1. I have already completed my homework.

  2. They have been working on the report for two hours.

Part 2: Past Perfect


  1. had finished

  2. had never seen

  3. had already eaten

  4. had already bought

  5. had left


  1. By the time I went to the store, they had closed it.

  2. She missed the bus because it had already left.

Part 3: Mixed Practice

  1. have seen

  2. had

  3. has been

  4. had left

  5. visited

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