Here's a list of professions, categorized for easier reference:
Physical Therapist
School Counselor
Educational Administrator
Engineering and Technology
Software Engineer
Civil Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Data Scientist
Web Developer
IT Specialist
Creative Arts
Graphic Designer
Film Director
Interior Designer
Business and Finance
Financial Analyst
Investment Banker
Marketing Manager
Human Resources Specialist
Real Estate Agent
Trades and Skilled Labor
Construction Worker
Law and Public Service
Police Officer
Social Worker
Science and Research
Scientist (e.g., Biologist, Chemist, Physicist)
Environmental Scientist
Hospitality and Tourism
Hotel Manager
Travel Agent
Tour Guide
Sports and Recreation
Personal Trainer
Sports Official
Flight Attendant
Event Planner
Clergy (e.g., Priest, Rabbi, Imam)
Here’s the list of professions with their Spanish equivalents:
Healthcare / Salud
Doctor / Doctor(a)
Nurse / Enfermero(a)
Surgeon / Cirujano(a)
Pharmacist / Farmacéutico(a)
Dentist / Dentista
Veterinarian / Veterinario(a)
Physical Therapist / Fisioterapeuta
Psychologist / Psicólogo(a)
Paramedic / Paramédico(a)
Education / Educación
Teacher / Profesor(a) or Maestro(a)
Professor / Catedrático(a)
Tutor / Tutor(a)
School Counselor / Orientador(a) escolar
Librarian / Bibliotecario(a)
Educational Administrator / Administrador(a) educativo(a)
Engineering and Technology / Ingeniería y Tecnología
Software Engineer / Ingeniero(a) de software
Civil Engineer / Ingeniero(a) civil
Mechanical Engineer / Ingeniero(a) mecánico(a)
Electrical Engineer / Ingeniero(a) eléctrico(a)
Data Scientist / Científico(a) de datos
Web Developer / Desarrollador(a) web
IT Specialist / Especialista en tecnología de la información (TI)
Architect / Arquitecto(a)
Creative Arts / Artes Creativas
Graphic Designer / Diseñador(a) gráfico(a)
Artist / Artista
Photographer / Fotógrafo(a)
Writer / Escritor(a)
Illustrator / Ilustrador(a)
Musician / Músico(a)
Actor / Actor / Actriz
Film Director / Director(a) de cine
Interior Designer / Diseñador(a) de interiores
Business and Finance / Negocios y Finanzas
Accountant / Contador(a)
Financial Analyst / Analista financiero(a)
Investment Banker / Banquero(a) de inversión
Marketing Manager / Gerente de marketing
Human Resources Specialist / Especialista en recursos humanos
Real Estate Agent / Agente inmobiliario(a)
Entrepreneur / Emprendedor(a)
Trades and Skilled Labor / Oficios y Trabajos Calificados
Carpenter / Carpintero(a)
Plumber / Fontanero(a) / Plomero(a)
Electrician / Electricista
Mechanic / Mecánico(a)
Welder / Soldador(a)
Construction Worker / Trabajador(a) de construcción
Law and Public Service / Derecho y Servicio Público
Lawyer / Abogado(a)
Judge / Juez(a)
Police Officer / Oficial de policía
Firefighter / Bombero(a)
Social Worker / Trabajador(a) social
Politician / Político(a)
Science and Research / Ciencia e Investigación
Scientist (e.g., Biologist, Chemist, Physicist) / Científico(a) (e.g., Biólogo(a), Químico(a), Físico(a))
Researcher / Investigador(a)
Astronomer / Astrónomo(a)
Environmental Scientist / Científico(a) ambiental
Hospitality and Tourism / Hospitalidad y Turismo
Chef / Chef / Cocinero(a)
Bartender / Bartender / Barman
Hotel Manager / Gerente de hotel
Travel Agent / Agente de viajes
Tour Guide / Guía turístico(a)
Sports and Recreation / Deportes y Recreación
Athlete / Atleta / Deportista
Coach / Entrenador(a)
Personal Trainer / Entrenador(a) personal
Sports Official / Árbitro(a) deportivo(a)
Miscellaneous / Varios
Pilot / Piloto
Flight Attendant / Auxiliar de vuelo
Farmer / Agricultor(a)
Journalist / Periodista
Translator / Traductor(a)
Event Planner / Organizador(a) de eventos
Clergy (e.g., Priest, Rabbi, Imam) / Clérigo (por ejemplo, Sacerdote, Rabino, Imán)
Additional Professions / Profesiones Adicionales
Baker / Panadero(a)
Butcher / Carnicero(a)
Chef / Chef / Cocinero(a)
Waiter / Camarero(a)
Bus Driver / Conductor(a) de autobús
Taxi Driver / Taxista
Farmer / Agricultor(a)
Hairdresser / Peluquero(a)
Plumber / Fontanero(a)
Electrician / Electricista
Painter (for walls) / Pintor(a) (de paredes)
Mechanic / Mecánico(a)
Librarian / Bibliotecario(a)
Cleaner / Limpiador(a)
Gardener / Jardinero(a)
Security Guard / Guardia de seguridad
Salesperson / Vendedor(a)
Cashier / Cajero(a)
Customer Service Representative / Representante de servicio al cliente
Construction Worker / Trabajador(a) de construcción
Hair Stylist / Estilista
Nanny / Niñera
Barista / Barista
Vocational Vocabulary / Vocabulario Vocacional
Workplace / Lugar de trabajo
Office / Oficina
Factory / Fábrica
Workshop / Taller
Construction Site / Sitio de construcción
Restaurant / Restaurante
Hotel / Hotel
Store / Tienda
Clinic / Clínica
School / Escuela
Tools / Herramientas
Hammer / Martillo
Wrench / Llave inglesa
Screwdriver / Destornillador
Shovel / Pala
Drill / Taladro
Paintbrush / Pincel
Scissors / Tijeras
Sewing Machine / Máquina de coser
Work-Related Actions / Acciones relacionadas con el trabajo
Fix / Arreglar
Build / Construir
Cook / Cocinar
Clean / Limpiar
Repair / Reparar
Organize / Organizar
Design / Diseñar
Sell / Vender
Serve / Servir
Maintain / Mantener
Install / Instalar
Cut / Cortar
Measure / Medir
Skills / Habilidades
Communication / Comunicación
Teamwork / Trabajo en equipo
Problem-solving / Resolución de problemas
Leadership / Liderazgo
Time Management / Gestión del tiempo
Customer Service / Atención al cliente
Negotiation / Negociación
Technical Skills / Habilidades técnicas
Creativity / Creatividad
Organization / Organización
Attention to Detail / Atención al detalle
Work Conditions / Condiciones de trabajo
Full-time / Tiempo completo
Part-time / Tiempo parcial
Shift work / Trabajo por turnos
Overtime / Horas extras
Temporary / Temporal
Permanent / Permanente
Freelance / Trabajo independiente
Remote work / Trabajo remoto
On-site / En el lugar
Flexible hours / Horario flexible
Health benefits / Beneficios de salud
These additional words can be useful for a variety of job-related scenarios. Let me know if you'd like more detailed examples or anything specific for your student!
Here’s more vocabulary on the subject of jobs:
Job Types / Tipos de trabajos
Freelancer / Trabajador(a) independiente
Intern / Pasante
Apprentice / Aprendiz
Contractor / Contratista
Temp (Temporary Worker) / Trabajador(a) temporal
Full-time Worker / Trabajador(a) a tiempo completo
Part-time Worker / Trabajador(a) a tiempo parcial
Seasonal Worker / Trabajador(a) estacional
Volunteer / Voluntario(a)
Workplace Hierarchy / Jerarquía en el lugar de trabajo
Boss / Supervisor / Jefe / Supervisor(a)
Manager / Gerente
Team Leader / Líder de equipo
Employee / Empleado(a)
Assistant / Asistente
Co-worker / Colleague / Compañero(a) de trabajo
Director / Director(a)
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) / Director(a) ejecutivo(a)
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) / Director(a) financiero(a)
Job Responsibilities / Responsabilidades laborales
Manage / Gestionar
Supervise / Supervisar
Coordinate / Coordinar
Negotiate / Negociar
Delegate / Delegar
Train / Entrenar
Assist / Asistir
Schedule / Programar
Organize / Organizar
Execute / Ejecutar
Plan / Planificar
Review / Revisar
Approve / Aprobar
Report / Informar
Job Search / Búsqueda de trabajo
Resume / CV (Curriculum Vitae) / Currículum / CV
Job Interview / Entrevista de trabajo
Cover Letter / Carta de presentación
Job Opening / Vacancy / Vacante
Job Application / Solicitud de empleo
Hiring / Recruitment / Contratación
Reference / Referencia
Job Fair / Feria de empleo
Hiring Manager / Responsable de contratación
Workplace Skills / Habilidades en el lugar de trabajo
Problem-solving / Resolución de problemas
Decision-making / Toma de decisiones
Critical thinking / Pensamiento crítico
Communication Skills / Habilidades de comunicación
Multitasking / Multitarea
Customer Service Skills / Habilidades de atención al cliente
Technical Skills / Habilidades técnicas
Negotiation Skills / Habilidades de negociación
Leadership Skills / Habilidades de liderazgo
Time Management / Gestión del tiempo
Collaboration / Colaboración
Workplace Tools / Herramientas de trabajo
Computer / Ordenador / Computadora
Phone / Smartphone / Teléfono / Teléfono inteligente
Printer / Impresora
Scanner / Escáner
Whiteboard / Pizarra blanca
Desk / Escritorio
File Cabinet / Archivador
Workstation / Estación de trabajo
Job Benefits / Beneficios laborales
Health Insurance / Seguro de salud
Retirement Plan / Plan de jubilación
Paid Time Off (PTO) / Días de descanso pagados
Bonus / Bono
Commission / Comisión
Paid Sick Leave / Licencia por enfermedad pagada
Vacation Days / Días de vacaciones
Employee Discounts / Descuentos para empleados
Workplace Safety / Seguridad en el lugar de trabajo
Job-Related Actions / Acciones relacionadas con el trabajo
Promote / Promover
Fire / Despedir
Resign / Renunciar
Quit / Dejar (trabajo)
Retire / Jubilarse
Get a Raise / Recibir un aumento de salario
Apply for a job / Postularse para un empleo
Get Hired / Ser contratado(a)
Get Fired / Ser despedido(a)
This set of vocabulary covers a broad range of job-related topics and can help your student better understand and use language related to work and career contexts. Let me know if you need more!
Here are different ways to say "schedule" along with example sentences:
1. Agenda
Example: "Please review the agenda before the meeting."
Spanish: Agenda
2. Timetable
Example: "What’s your timetable for the day?"
Spanish: Horario
3. Calendar
Example: "I’ll check my calendar to see if I'm available."
Spanish: Calendario
4. Program
Example: "The program for the conference is ready."
Spanish: Programa
5. Plan
Example: "We need to make a plan for next week’s tasks."
Spanish: Plan
6. Itinerary
Example: "The travel itinerary includes stops in three cities."
Spanish: Itinerario
7. Roster
Example: "The shift roster has been updated for next month."
Spanish: Lista / Roster
8. Timeframe
Example: "The project’s timeframe is tight, so we need to stick to the schedule."
Spanish: Plazo
9. Slot
Example: "I’ve booked a time slot for the meeting."
Spanish: Franja horaria
10. Appointment
Example: "I have an appointment scheduled with the doctor tomorrow."
Spanish: Cita
11. Time Block
Example: "I’ve set aside a time block for answering emails this afternoon."
Spanish: Bloque de tiempo
These alternatives can be used based on context, such as formal or informal settings, and the specific type of scheduling involved. Let me know if you'd like more examples!
Here are several different ways to say "I would like to schedule an appointment", along with examples:
1. I'd like to set up an appointment.
Example: "I’d like to set up an appointment with you for next week."
2. I’d like to arrange an appointment.
Example: "Could we arrange an appointment for a consultation?"
3. I’d like to book an appointment.
Example: "I’d like to book an appointment to discuss the project."
4. I’d like to make an appointment.
Example: "I’d like to make an appointment with the dentist."
5. I’d like to schedule some time.
Example: "I’d like to schedule some time to meet and discuss this."
6. I’d like to reserve an appointment.
Example: "I’d like to reserve an appointment for tomorrow afternoon."
7. I’d like to plan a meeting.
Example: "I’d like to plan a meeting to go over the details."
8. Can we set up a time to meet?
Example: "Can we set up a time to meet next week?"
9. I need to fix a time for an appointment.
Example: "I need to fix a time for an appointment to discuss the contract."
10. I’d like to organize an appointment.
Example: "I’d like to organize an appointment for a follow-up."
These variations can be used in different settings, depending on the formality or the type of appointment you're referring to. Let me know if you’d like more!