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Writer's pictureChetana Karla Shakti

Roots of Wellbeing: A Holistic Journey to Health for Kids

Updated: Sep 26

Intro for the Course:

Welcome to Roots of Wellbeing: A Holistic Journey to Health for Kids!

In this 8-week course, we’ll explore how to take care of our bodies, minds, and emotions in ways that are both fun and powerful! This course is all about learning how small, everyday actions can help us feel stronger, healthier, and happier—whether it’s through the food we eat, the way we breathe, or how we manage our feelings. You’ll discover ways to reduce stress, make healthier choices, and understand why helping others can make you feel good too.

Each week, we’ll dive into a new topic, from discovering delicious foods that fuel your body to understanding how the environment around you affects your wellbeing. You’ll also learn tools to calm your mind, focus your energy, and create positive routines that keep you feeling great. This course will give you the foundation to build habits that will benefit you for life, all while staying active, engaged, and connected with yourself and others.

By the end of our time together, you'll have learned how to listen to what your body needs, take care of your mind, and create a balanced and healthy lifestyle that works just for you!

Here’s a structured 8-week holistic health course plan for children aged 10-16, using the Ayurvedic principles mentioned, but without explicitly naming Ayurveda. The course will focus on nutrition, emotional well-being, self-care, and mindfulness, while incorporating ideas from the article you shared on stress, diet, and how helping others helps you.

Week 1: Introduction to Holistic Health and the Mind-Body Connection

  • Day 1: Understanding the Basics of HealthIntroduce the concept of holistic health: balancing body, mind, and emotions. Discuss how everything we do (eating, moving, thinking) affects our overall well-being.

  • Day 2: Listening to Your BodyLearn how to tune into your body’s signals (like hunger, tiredness, or stress). Practice a short body scan meditation.

Week 2: Nourishing the Body with Simple, Wholesome Foods

  • Day 3: The Power of Warm, Easy-to-Digest FoodsDiscuss the importance of easy-to-digest foods for energy and healing. Introduce simple, nourishing recipes like vegetable soups, broths, and rice dishes.

  • Day 4: Creating Balanced Meals for Every DayHands-on session where children learn to create their own balanced meal using simple ingredients (like a kitchari-style dish with rice and vegetables).

Week 3: The Role of the Environment in Well-being

  • Day 5: Creating a Peaceful EnvironmentDiscuss how your surroundings impact health. Explore how fresh air, sunlight, and calming spaces help the body and mind relax and recover.

  • Day 6: Using Natural Elements to Support HealthTeach children how to incorporate calming music, essential oils, and lighting into their daily routines to create a healing space at home.

Week 4: Emotional and Mental Health

  • Day 7: Stress and How to Manage ItExplain what stress is and how it affects the body. Introduce breathing exercises like simple pranayama (breath control) to help manage stressful situations.

  • Day 8: Helping Others Helps YouTeach how helping others can improve their own mood and reduce stress. Discuss small ways they can offer help at home, school, or within their community.

Week 5: Self-Care and Mindfulness

  • Day 9: The Importance of Daily RoutinesIntroduce the idea of creating simple daily rituals like morning stretches, gratitude journaling, or evening reflection to create balance.

  • Day 10: Mindfulness and PresenceTeach children how to practice mindfulness—being fully present in the moment. Include simple practices like mindful eating or paying attention to their surroundings during a walk.

Week 6: Positive Relationships and Communication

  • Day 11: Active Listening and Supportive CommunicationPractice active listening exercises to show how they can support friends and family members emotionally. Discuss how offering emotional support benefits both sides.

  • Day 12: Building Healthy RelationshipsTalk about the importance of positive words and gestures in creating strong, supportive relationships.

Week 7: Movement and Physical Health

  • Day 13: The Benefits of Physical MovementExplore how different types of physical activities (like stretching, walking, or simple yoga) can help keep the body healthy. Teach a short yoga or stretching sequence.

  • Day 14: Rest and the Importance of SleepDiscuss the role of good sleep in health. Teach how to prepare for sleep with calming routines, including shutting off devices, reading, or quiet activities before bed.

Week 8: Long-Term Health and Balance

  • Day 15: Healing is a JourneyDiscuss how health is something we work on every day, and it's okay to have ups and downs. Encourage patience and a balanced approach to health.

  • Day 16: Celebrating Progress and Setting New IntentionsReflect on what the students have learned over the course. Set simple health goals for the future, like practicing mindfulness, helping others, or making balanced meals.

This course combines lessons on diet, stress, emotional support, mindfulness, and movement in a way that’s accessible for children aged 10-16.

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