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Glimmers: Your holistic health compass - A Journey to Emotional Well-Being

Writer's picture: Chetana Karla ShaktiChetana Karla Shakti

In a world often characterized by the relentless pace of modern life, the quest for emotional well-being and inner balance has never been more crucial. Amidst the cacophony of daily stressors and the relentless pursuit of success, we find ourselves yearning for moments of respite and connection. It's a universal aspiration— the desire to find that elusive path to tranquility and contentment.

The approach you are referring to is often called "Holistic Wellness" or "Holistic Health." Holistic wellness and psychology take a comprehensive view of an individual's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As part of this approach, individuals are encouraged to identify what brings them joy, contentment, and overall well-being, including activities, practices, and experiences that make them feel good and align with their values. This self-awareness and focus on positive experiences are integral to the holistic approach to health and psychology.

On the road of well-being, sometimes called the Red Road, or alignment, we often overlook the small moments, the subtle cues that can guide us towards a place of serenity and emotional resilience. These moments, referred to as "glimmers," are the subject of our exploration. In this article, we embark on a journey to unveil the power of these glimmers—those brief instances that ignite our hearts and minds, offering a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of life's challenges.

Join us as we delve into the world of triggers and glimmers, drawing insights from the realms of psychology, neuroscience, and holistic wellness. Discover how these tiny sparks of joy and connection can lead us towards emotional well-being and guide us on the path to a more fulfilled and balanced life. It's a journey of self-discovery, self-care, and the recognition that sometimes, it's the simple moments that hold the key to our inner peace.

Table of Contents

  1. Common Glimmers

  2. Deciphering Triggers and Glimmers

  3. The Mechanics of Glimmers

  4. Exploring the Path to Uncover More Glimmers

  5. Mastering the Art of Identifying Your Glimmers

In our fast-paced, often overwhelming lives, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos of triggers that set off stress and anxiety. But what if there were moments, like the sight of a loyal canine companion, the serenity of a mountain hike, or the breathtaking beauty of a sunset, that could bring us back to a place of joy and safety? These moments are what we call "glimmers."

Understanding the Essence of Glimmers

A glimmer stands in stark contrast to a trigger. It acts as a cue, either arising from within ourselves or triggered by external stimuli, that elicits feelings of joy and security. Glimmers can manifest in countless forms, from gazing at a skyline that warms your heart to a mere glimpse of your cherished pet.

Amid the cacophony of our overstimulated world, recognizing and embracing these glimmers can offer a solution to soothe our overwhelmed nervous systems. This concept finds its roots in the Polyvagal theory, a groundbreaking theory introduced by behavioral neuroscientist Stephen Porges in 1995. The theory delves into how our autonomic nervous system constantly seeks and interprets cues to assess potential threats. This intricate process, termed "neuroception," relies heavily on the vagus nerve, responsible for regulating vital organ functions.

However, the term "glimmer" as we understand it today was only introduced in 2018 by licensed clinical social worker Deb Dana, as part of her work on "The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation." Surprisingly, it gained immense popularity in February 2022, thanks to a viral TikTok video by psychologist Dr. Justine Grosso, garnering nearly 100,000 likes.

Polyvagal Theory and Its Connection to Social Cues

Exploring Common Glimmers

If you find it challenging to pinpoint your own glimmers, consider some of these universally experienced moments:

  • Basking in the warmth of the sun

  • Inhaling the refreshing sea breeze

  • The invigorating scent of freshly cut grass

  • Witnessing a vibrant rainbow

  • Sunlight dancing on tranquil water

  • Savoring the aroma of soothing lavender

  • The comfort of stroking a beloved dog or cat

  • Immersing yourself in the embrace of nature

  • A heartwarming smile from a stranger in a public place

  • The bliss of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee

The Dynamics of Triggers and Glimmers

To comprehend the essence of a glimmer, it is imperative to juxtapose it with a trigger. A trigger prompts the brain to react by associating past traumatic experiences as if they were unfolding in the present, triggering the fight-or-flight response. This heightened state of alertness, marked by symptoms like a racing heart, proves advantageous in the face of immediate physical danger but becomes counterproductive when it results from recollections of past traumas.

In this triggered state, the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the body's response to stress, springs into action. It elevates heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline levels, often leading to health issues such as chronic hypertension and insomnia.

In contrast, the Polyvagal theory employs the metaphor of a "ladder" to illustrate these states. The dorsal vagal state, at the bottom of the ladder, represents the "freeze state," characterized by immobilization and fear behaviors, potentially causing a drop in heart rate and blood pressure.

On the other hand, the goal is to ascend to the "top" of the ladder, known as the ventral vagal state. Here, the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for rest and digestion, comes into play, restoring the body's equilibrium. Spending more time in this parasympathetic-activated state can reduce the risk of various diseases.

Unlocking the Inner Workings of Glimmers

Glimmers, as coined by Deb Dana, LCSW, serve as cues, akin to triggers, but with the transformative power to guide the body towards feelings of safety and connection, ultimately leading to the ventral vagal state.

While much of the Polyvagal ladder's activity is involuntary, one can influence their position on the ladder. Simple practices, such as deep breathing, can transition you from fight or flight to the ventral vagal state, promoting a sense of relaxation and regulation. However, when stuck in the dorsal (frozen) state, a temporary shift to fight-or-flight may be necessary before reaching the desired ventral vagal state.

Embarking on the Quest for More Glimmers

Identifying triggers in your life may come naturally, but discovering your glimmers can prove more elusive. Mindfulness and grounding exercises can be invaluable tools before embarking on the journey to uncover your personal glimmers.

Nurturing Your Unique Glimmers

Reflect upon moments, however brief, when you felt profoundly safe and connected, whether with yourself or others. Glimmers will manifest uniquely in everyone, evoking warm, comforting sensations.

Much like triggers, glimmers can stem from both internal and external sources. What may trigger intense feelings in one person might serve as a glimmer for another. To cultivate your awareness of glimmers, consider the following exercises:

  • Close your eyes and visualize a peaceful moment, be it a place you've visited, one you've seen in pictures, or even a product of your imagination. Make an effort to immerse yourself in or create this image.

  • Delve into your memories of feeling safe and cared for during your childhood. If possible, recreate these feelings as an adult. If your childhood lacked such moments, explore ways to provide yourself with the nurturing and comfort you yearned for.

  • Reflect on a loved one who allows you to completely relax and be yourself. If such a person exists in your life, spend time with them or reach out. If not, envision what it would feel like to have someone like that in your life. Engage in activities or media that evoke similar feelings.

In the quest for emotional well-being and resilience, recognizing and nurturing your glimmers can be a transformative journey. These moments of joy and security serve as beacons in a world filled with triggers, guiding you towards a state of peace, balance, and connection.

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