
Yoga for Every Body
Yoga is perfect for the individual or group looking to move or strengthen conscientiously. We offer Vinyasa, Hatha, Gentle, Pregnancy, and Classical Ashtanga. Our yoga classes include all 8 limbs of Yoga and provide gentle practice for beginners and people living in hot countries that still want to stay active and limber. It is great for all kinds of people and open to everyone.
These classes are included with your stay when you come on private retreat
Follow up your session with an Ayurvedic Consultation or Massage Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Physical Therapy session
We even have chair yoga & Aquafit! It's great for surfers, athletes, people with physical or mental issues and anyone in between. Based on the 5,000 year old Wisdom of Ayurveda we design the classes to support your own unique constitution
Practice in Paradise
"Evidence keeps stacking up that yoga is a boon for both physical and mental health conditions. Now, a small new study from Boston University finds that taking yoga classes twice a week may help ease depression, thanks in part to deep breathing." ~http://time.com/4695558/yoga-breathing-depression/?
Join us for calming, uplifting, opening, and rejuvenating practice of Yoga for your Unique Constitution. Ayurvedic Consultations available.
Classes are customized and can include meditation, asana, stretching, hiit training, Pilates, Tai Chi, yoga for lower back care, Chi gong, Ayurveda, partner, Tantra, vinyasa, hatha, power, Tantra, yin, Thai yoga massage, yoga for surf, breathwork, and more.
Come once, join us twice a week, or hire us for private or group retreats as we create a stable foundation for our minds to stand and build and maintain healthy body temples along the way.
Seniors & Beginners welcome
Our Classes offer:
Outstanding faculty of experienced, knowledgeable and certified yoga instructors.
Program immerses you in the teachings and practice without distraction.
All aspects of classical yoga are taught integrating asana, pranayama and meditation.
Programs are designed to include time to absorb and integrate the practices into your daily life in the interval between sessions.
If your class is part of a retreat you will certainly enjoy delicious, primarily organic meals based on Ayurvedic Healing & Balancing principles developed for your own unique constitution
Grateful Surf Yoga & Ayurveda is dedicated to passing on the teachings of classical ashtanga yoga.
Contact us for more info or to secure your spot and find out locations or make your own
Join us for massage physical therapy sessions after or hire us to come out to your home or property.
15$pp min 60$,
pre-registration required